Exclusive: Syrian regime organised feared ghost militias, war crimes researchers say
"""The regime did not want the security forces and army to be pictured doing these things,"" said Fadel Abdul Ghany,...
"""The regime did not want the security forces and army to be pictured doing these things,"" said Fadel Abdul Ghany,...
"Ez a cikk a Net Média Zrt. tulajdona. Minden jog fenntartva. Egyes emberi jogi kutatók szerint ezeket a csoportokat kezdetben...
“Questo rapporto arriva in un momento in cui alcuni Stati arabi hanno deciso di ripristinare i rapporti con il regime...
«Queremos que este informe muestre a esos y otros países que el régimen sirio aún practica los métodos más horrendos...
“Questo rapporto arriva in un momento in cui alcuni Stati arabi hanno deciso di ripristinare i rapporti con il regime...
The approach would distance Bashar al-Assad and his officials from any abuses and war crimes. “The regime did not want...
The Syria Network of Human Rights (SNHR) worked with Dutch and Canadian authorities to provide evidence supporting the case. “The...
ist sich Fadel Abdul Ghany, Vorsitzender des Syrischen Netzwerks für Menschenrechte, sicher, hätten Dutzende Leben mehr gerettet werden können: »Die...
"Fadel Abdul Ghany, chairman and founder of Syrian Network for Human Rights, says truffle hunters and other labourers are the...
"The three Syrians, whose names are being withheld for their safety, are wanted by the Syrian regime, Fadel Abdul Ghany,...
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© 2023 SNHR - Fadel Abdul Ghany.