Hundreds of thousands of Syrians who disappeared or were detained under Bashar al-Assad’s regime were likely executed, the founder of the rights group Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) told local media on Monday.
Fadel Abdulghany, who has written for The New Arab about horrific conditions in Syrian jails, broke down in tears after making the announcement on Turkey-based opposition Syria TV, which he said would be devastating for hundreds of thousands of families desperately awaiting news of their loved ones.
His group confirmed that 136,614 people were being held in Syria’s vast prison network, in a statement that came following the rapid rebel offensive that ended decades of Baathist rule. The organisation added that many of those who were incarcerated over the years never came out.
“I wanted to announce on TV that most of the missing people in Syria under the regime are dead,” Abdulghany said, his voice trembling as he broke down in tears.
His announcement came amid growing calls from other organisations to protect all burial sites in Syria following claims of illegal mass graves as well as calls for information on the fate of the missing.